AAATEX TransImporter4®, TransImporterQO® and it predesssor the TransImporter®2012, etc.

The latest version is the TransImporter4 for QuickBooks Desktop and TransImportQO for QuickBooks Online.

Screens shown for the TransImporter2012 but are the same for the other products as well.

Import Transactions from Excel files to use with QuickBooks
Screen Images


We can customize it to solve your business needs.

See Video of how to run the program.

Most settings have additional informaiton by just putting on mouse pointer ontop of the settings.QuickBooks Excel Import


QuickBooks Excel Import


QuickBooks Excel Import


QuickBooks Excel Import


QuickBooks Excel Import


QuickBooks Excel Import


QuickBooks Excel Import

5. Screen – Need more advanced functions – We have it. Move/Rename imported file, Monitor the input folder for new files to import.

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