QuickBooks Hosting Services – Managed Integrations
We provided QuickBooks services and add-on programs for 10 years. Now let us host your QuickBooks and even manage integrations.
We do the work not you or your staff
- Importing from your Web Stores or eCommerce Systems
- Files from almost Anywhere i.e. FTP, eMail to us
- i.e. Excel, CSV, Tab Delimited, Other
- Using the AaaTeX products Integrator, TransImporter, IIFImporter
- We email you a transaction log
- Great for QuickBooksOnline Users (not Reckon AU)
- No personal to train since we do the Integration or
- No troubleshooting of errors – We will tell you what is wrong
We manage our Applications
- We run them
- We fix the errors if possible
For QuickBooks Onlines users
- No Windows systems to worry about
For QuickBooks Desktop Users
- You send us your portable file over the weekend
- We return your portable file by Monday
- Plans according to your needs
- Weekly, Daily, Hourly imports, etc.
- Price vary according to your needs.